Home Remedies for LEG PAINS and KNEE PAINS

Home Remedies for LEG PAINS


Pain in legs, coming on after walking a moderate distance often arises from narrowing of the blood vessels leading to these areas. If the vessel becomes completely blocked, gangrene may result and the toes become dark and cold. This is most frequently seen in cases of uncontrolled diabetes.
People with varicose veins suffer from swelling of the veins, followed by muscle cramps and a tired feeling in the legs behind the knees. In some cases the skin over the lower part of the leg may break down, forming a large, ugly ulcer, which is often painful.
Leg cramps can occur due to running, walking, riding a bike, standing up, even sleeping. While every lower-leg injury has its specific biomechanical causes, all are rooted in tight calf muscles and relative weakness in the front leg muscles. This is very, very common in runners, since running tends to exercise the calf muscles more than those in the front.
Anterior shin splints is defined as the pain in the front and outer edge of your legs. The main cause of shin splints is tight calf muscles and weak shin muscles, the injury may have been further aggravated by a variety of factors. Shin splints are very common among beginning runners.
Posterior shin splint may be defined as the pain on the inner side of your leg, right where the calf muscle meets the big shinbone. The cause of this may be straining of a muscle that gives some support to the arch of your foot.
Achilles Tendinitis may be defined as the pain in the lower calf along the Achilles tendon, the cord connecting the heel to the calf muscle. The main cause of this may be extra pulling of the tendon, which causes a lot of pain in legs.


  • Grab your upper lip between your thumb and index finger, and squeeze for about 30 seconds to get relief.
  • Grab the cramping muscle tightly, pushing your fingertips deep into the cramp for about 10 to 15 seconds, then release. You can repeat as often as necessary to relieve the cramp.
  • After the cramp is gone, stretch out the muscle but begin slowly and without bouncing on it. To begin, sit down on the floor and extend the leg. Then reach out and gently pull your toes toward your knee.
  • Drinking a cup of water (about eight ounces) every 20 minutes before, during and after exercise will help keep your system from dehydrating. Dehydration helps to prevent cramping.
  • Boil 1-teaspoon saffron in 1/2 cup water. Let it reduce to become 1 tablespoon. Divide this solution into three portions and take with equal quantities of water, thrice daily for a couple of days. This is very effective home remedy for leg pains and will help to reduce the pain.
  • A diet high in natural fibres from fruits and vegetables, pulses, whole grains, calcium, magnesium and vitamin E rich foods also help in fighting against the joint pains.
  • Drink 1 cup of warm water mixed with limejuice and honey to reduce pain.
  • Avoid mental tensions that lead to stress. Lose weight, if necessary, to get close to your ideal weight. If you weigh less, there is less weight on your joints and less pain
  • Take foods rich in calcium and protein. Exposure to sunlight for vitamin D is also good. Milk and milk products, ragi, drumstick leaves and drumstick are excellent sources of calcium and sprouted pulses and nuts are very good sources of protein for a vegetarian. Include these foods in the daily diet.
  • During the painful stages it is important for the patient to have one or two rest periods during the day.
  • Add one-tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whip and drink before sleeping.
  • One raw clove of garlic every day is very beneficial. This clove can be fried in ghee (clarified butter) or castor oil. Take for 2 months.
  • Drink 15 grams of fresh bathu juice daily with an empty stomach without adding any salt or sugar to it. This is very effective home remedy for leg pains.
  • Massage the affected area with any oil will to provide relief from the pain.
  • Drink a cup of papaya seed tea six or seven times daily for two or three weeks for relief from joint pain.
  • Heavy meals, meat and fish, sour fruits and fried foods should be avoided, as they are difficult to digest.
  • Consumption of rice during nighttime should be avoided. Among fruits bananas are considered best as they provide strength to the joints and grease them.
  • To get relief from a severe leg cramp in the calf muscle, flex your shin muscle (which opposes your calf muscle) by pulling your toes toward your knee.
  • To ease the leg pains and reduce inflammation, ice your shins immediately after running. Use either a store-bought cold pack or simply freeze a wet towel before going out on a run. Whatever you use, wrap the ice pack around your leg and keep it on for 10 or 15 minutes, keeping your foot elevated all the while.

  • Causes can relate to the nerves,muscles,blood vessels,soft tissues and bone joints.
  • cause of the leg-pains is treatment depends on 
  • medical attention is important
  • Leg pain facts
  • 1. musculature neurological
  • 2. running & sports
  • 3. problems of vascular
  • so many types of pains is treat at home.
  • pains can burning dull,radiate etc.

  • Home Remedies for Knee Aches and Pains
    As we age we notice more bumps and pains than ever before. The most common complaints doctors and physical therapists hear about are knee pains. The knee is particularly vulnerable to pain and damage due to people’s high wear and tear of the leg. The knee takes the full impact of a person’s body weight, or any added force from running or jumping. There are plenty natural treatments and alternative therapies that can stop you from living at the doctor’s reception room.
    Assess your pain
    altFor any moderate to severe pain, you should get medical help because some injuries require physical therapy, a brace or even surgery. Successful home treatments can be done for mild to moderate knee pain. This can be for both pains caused by sprains or arthritis. If you the pain is due to inflammation, arthritis or minor injury you can choose from several home remedies that are effective.
    How to treat pain due to injury
    If you have suffered a twisted leg, fallen or strained your knee in other ways a useful mnemonic to remember is ‘RICE’.
    Rest - Stay off your feet.
    Ice - Apply a bag of ice or cold compress (a bag of peas also works).
    Compression - Wrap a compression bandage around your knee. This prevents swelling. Make sure it’s not too tight otherwise you might cut off circulation.
    Elevation - Lie on a bed or keep your foot elevated with a footstool or ottoman.
    How to treat pain due to arthritis
    As people age, the lubrication and padding around their joints deteriorate. Without cartilage cushioning the joints, joints will suffer bone-on-bone contact and can become inflamed, causing much pain. This is known as Osteoarthritis. For more severe cases, doctors might suggest replacing joints or inserting artificial cartilage. While there is no way to reverse the damage there are ways to treat mild to moderate pain with natural dietary supplements or alternative therapies.
    Try willow bark
    You wouldn’t think a piece of tree bark could offer so much relief, but research has found that willow bark’s active ingredient is salicin, which acts similarly to aspirin. This natural painkiller has been commonly used since the time of Hippocrates. It is used to treat fever and inflammation as well as for headaches, muscle pains, spine disease, arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
    Use ginger extract
    altAnother pain relief option that grows naturally is ginger, which can be ingested in several different ways. You can use the fresh root, drink it as a tea, eat it as a dried spice or take prepackaged supplements. Research has discovered that the phytonutrients in ginger reduce the production of chemicals in the body that promote joint inflammation. Together with prescription arthritis medication ginger can greatly reduce joint pains since it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Take care if you take blood thinners as ginger has the risk of increasing bleeding.
    Apply herbal ointment
    A salve made from cinnamon, ginger, mastic, and sesame oil was found to be just as effective as over-the-counter medicine, in a study published in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. Traditional over the counter ointments used to treat arthritis usually contain salicylate, which is used topically to relieve pain.
    Heat and cold therapy
    It’s worthwhile investing in a heating pad, gel-style cold pack or cool compress for chronic pain. These can easily be found at a drug store, or ordered online. Heat is used to keep joints from stiffening while cold therapy can reduce pain and swelling.
    Practice Tai Chi
    This ancient Chinese practice is a mind-body exercise which helps improves balance and flexibility, works twofold for arthritis suffers. A study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism (a journal), highlights that the mental aspect of the practice promotes coping mechanisms for chronic pain, and the physical exercise helps reduce pain and increase range of motion.
    Consider exercise and weight management
    For some people, knee pain is reduced by having the joint moving, so daily exercise is recommended. Keeping a leg stationary can stiffen the joint, and reduce the range of motion. Consider swimming or water walking as these exercises have less of an impact and swimming has countless other health benefits. Carrying excess weight can also aggravate the impact on joints so it’s important to try keep off any unnecessary weight. Here are some weight loss management tips.
    Finding care: final note
    Your health is important and sometimes dietary supplements and alternative therapies can conflict with any other medication you might be taking. It’s important to talk with your doctor and find the cause of any pain. Sometimes this might involve X-rays and blood work but it’s necessary to get to on the road to recovery.


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You can even integrate TestoBoost Pro working out into work and leisure activities that are commonly thought of as sedentary. You could do leg raises while at your desk, or some stretches while watching T.V.Try to work out on an empty stomach. Exercising may prevent any food you eat from settling properly in your stomach. This, in turn, can cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Eat a light snack before you work out and save your meal for afterward.


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A great way to get the ball rolling is to find a personal trainer. A good trainer will work with you to determine your goals and problem areas and will recommend a workout program for you. Working out with a trainer can help you overcome any jitters you might have about going to the gym as a beginner. Having a trainer will help you get started on a plan that work for you and to which you can commit.

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Just coat your feet with Vaseline, cover them with socks, and then hit the sack and let your feet absorb the product overnight. In the morning, you will wake up with super-softened feet.

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Use heat-activated shampoos, conditioners and styling products when using heated tools like flat and curling irons. Regularly blow-drying or curling your hair without such products can cause significant damage.

To make sure your skins doesn't lose even more nutrients, don't over-shower or over-bathe. If you can, try not to shower more than every other day during these months. New Life Skin Ageless Eye Revitalizer You can either place two spoons in the freezer or in ice. Then place the spoon on the lids of your eyes and leave it there for up to 10 minutes. This ends eye puffiness.

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Your back strength and overall flexibility starts with proper abdominal training. TestoBoost Pro Don't focus workouts on only side of your body or on just one muscle group. Many people feel that they will get good results by concentrating on the left or right side or just one muscle group.

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You have always wanted to be fit and healthy. There is no better time to start than right now, so start today.Max Antler Pro Fitness is crucial, but many see it as a process that takes doesn't show progress for weeks. This is not the case!

If you remove a food you love from your weight loss diet, you will crave it much more and then run the risk of binging on it. This ends up in you adding way too many calories than if you were to eat in moderation. Ultra Slim 360 Drinking water before you eat means you won't eat as much.

For best results, exfoliate about once a week. Lash Rene Though popular culture has idolized the supposed "healthy glow" of a suntan, the truth is that obtaining that tan is wreaking havoc on your skin.

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Avoiding skipping your workouts on the weekends. Many people tend to think of the weekends as a time to kick back and not worry about the stressors of the week. You should be consistent in your workout efforts so, don't take an entire weekend off. Think of how good you will feel on Monday, knowing that you stuck to your workout plan all weekend long. Build your self esteem by including weekends in your fitness goals.

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