11 Unknown Health Benefits of Kalonji seeds or Nigella Seeds

11 Unknown Health Benefits of Kalonji seeds or Nigella Seeds

Over 2000 yrs these Kalonji seeds were used as medicine. The health benefits of Kalonji seeds were numerous hence it was brought in light and people started including it in diet too and have it’s benefits.Kalonji seeds were mainly useful for severe headache, internal worms, toothache and nasal congestion. It was also seen to be effective in various other contagious and non contagious infections like conjunctivitis, abscesses and parasites.
Kalonji seeds are very beneficial for any respiratory discomfort, asthma, bronchitis, cough, allergies, flu, emphysema. These seeds also treat your GI system. They help relieve gas, reduces colic, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, hemorrhoids.
Kalonji are also a natural way to birth control as they initiate menstruation and lactating mothers use to enhance their milk production.
Kalonji seeds also help in lowering blood cholesterol, blood pressure. It is also seen to be effective for treating cancer an boosting up the immunity of body.
Kalonji is added as a part of spice.

Kalonji Oil

Kalonji oil has various benefits:-
1. Prevents hair loss
2. Removes pimple and its marks
3. Treats headaches and toothaches.
4. Prevents asthma attacks.
5. It gives healthy heart.
6. Cures joints pain.
7. Improves eye sight.
8. Prevents cancer and its complications.
9. Lowers blood pressure.
10. Gives healthy kidney.

11. Help in weight loss

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