10 Tips to Fight Depression

10 Tips to fight depression

During the phase of depression sometimes we become pessimist and our negative thoughts make it hard to attain back the peaceful state. As we are already depressed due to tough circumstances, these negative thoughts add fuel to fire and steal our peace of mind making it really hard to concentrate even on routine things. So what should be done to fight the depression and negativity? 

Below are the tips to be considered:

1- Try not to think about problems and rough circumstances again and again; instead focus on the solution. Think what needs to be done to fix the issues.

2- Change your environment. Take a break from your routine life and visit some relative or explore some new city/country.

3- Stay away from negative people. Remember, if someone is negative, he/she is spreading negative germs. Keep yourself germ-free.

4- Read news paper or a good book on daily basis. Article written by Junaid.Tahir

5- Go to market and buy yourself something you like. Feel good about it.

6- Surround yourself amongst happy people. Spend quality time with joyful and colorful friends Article written by Junaid.Tahir

7- Adopt some good hobby and spend time on it. (gardening, blogging, book reading)

8- Visit Orphan house and spend time with children. Help them financially if possible. Give gifts. This act gives real inner happiness.

9- Think about the positive events of your life. About your childhood, education, fun trip, a friends wedding etc.

10- Go to Temple/Mosque/Church and spend time in prayers to get peace of mind.


Menstruation is the monthly discharge of the uterine lining in every woman of reproductive age. Once a girl reaches the age of puberty, the ovaries start producing large quantities of estrogen. This helps in her growth and development, from a girl to a woman, and also makes her reproductive. Though menstruation is a regular phenomenon in females, almost all of them face some or the other kind of problem, during these times. In the following lines, we have listed all the causes and symptoms of menstrual problem.

Causes Of Menstrual Problems
  •  Failure of ovulation to occur
  •  Elevation in the serum Prolactin
  • Thyroid disease
  • Dysmenorrhoea or period pains
  • Amenorrhoea or stoppage of menstrual flow
  • Menorrhagia or excessive menstrual flow
  • Oligomenorrhoea or irregular/ infrequent periods
  • Being overweight
  • Emotional stress
  • Excessive exercise
  • Being underweight or malnourished
  • Anorexia nervosa

Symptoms Of Menstrual Problems
  •          Premenstrual tension
  •          Menstrual cramps
  •          Nervousness
  •          Irritation
  •          Depression
  •          Headaches
  •          Difficulty in concentrating
  •          Fullness in the breasts
  •          Insomnia
  •          Swelling in the lower extremities
  •          Hormonal imbalance
  •          Acne
  •         Bloating
  •         Fatigue
  •        Backaches
  •       Constipation
  •       Diarrhea
  •       Food cravings
  •      Difficulty in handling stress

Home Remedy for Menstrual Problems
Menstruation is the monthly flow of blood from a woman’s body. It is nothing, but the shedding of the uterus lining, which helps in cleansing the inner surface of the womb. Menstrual flow is related with the function of ovulation or reproduction. A natural phenomenon, it occurs regularly in females, throughout their reproductive age. During menstruation, or periods as it is more commonly known as, females face problems such as menorrhagia or excessive menstrual flow, amenorrhea or stoppage of menstrual flow, dysmenorrhoea or painful menstruation, premenstrual tension and menstrual cramps. To curb all these problems, the best way would be to retort to the home remedies, some of which have been mentioned below.

Home Remedies For Menstrual Problems
  • The best way to treat menstrual problems would be to have parsley juice, in combination with any other juice. You can mix 75 ml of parsley with beet, carrot or cucumber juice, of the same quantity.
  •  Take a cup of water and add a piece of fresh ginger to it. Make sure to pound the ginger before you put it in the water. Boil the water for a few minutes and then, strain it. Mix a little sugar to the decoction and consume it, after it cools down a bit. Repeat this three times in a day.
  •  Sesame seeds prove to be beneficial in case of menstrual problems. Take half a tsp of powdered sesame seeds, with a glass of warm water, two times a day.
  • Consumption of unripe papaya is beneficial for securing a proper menstrual flow. It is also good for girls whose menses have ceased due to stress or tension.
  • Prepare a bath by immersing an entire Chickpea plant in hot water. This is helpful when there is immense pain during menstruation.

  • The herb of Marigold is helpful in reducing the pain during menstruation and also increasing the flow. It is advisable to have a tablespoon of this, two times a day.
  • For women who face the problem of excessive menstruation, banana flower would provide an effective remedy. Boil a banana flower in some water, until it turns soft. Take it out, crush it and have it with a cup of curd.
  • In half liter of water, put 6 grams of coriander seeds and boil it until only half the quantity remains. Sweeten the decoction, with sugar or honey, and have it when warm.
  • Extract the juice of fresh mango bark. Mix 10 ml of the juice with 120 ml of water. Have this mixture in a dose of 1 or 2 tsp, every one hour.
  • You can also consume the juice of fresh mango bark, after adding an egg white or some mucilage and a small quantity of the kernel of a poppy, to it.
  • Boil 90 gm of the bark of Ashoka tree, in 30 ml of milk and 360 ml of water. Keep on boiling until the total quantity is reduced to about 90 ml. Drink this in 2 or 3 doses. Start consuming this decoction from the fourth day of the monthly period, until the bleeding is checked.
  • Consume thirteen to twenty-five grams of the Indian barbery herb, during excessive bleeding.
  • Prepare an infusion of the herb 'rough chaff' by steeping 15 gm of it, in 250 ml of boiling water. Strain the mixture and drink when warm.
  • Boil two tablespoons of hermal seeds in half a liter of water. Once the decoction is reduced to 1/3rd its quantity, stop boiling. Strain it and let it cool down a bit. Have it in a dose of 15 to 30 ml, per day.

  •  Take half a liter of water and boil it with five large heads of hemps, until it reduces to one-half. Strain the decoction, cool it down and have it before going to bed.

Foods That Fight Depression
Feelings of sadness and depression can creep in out of nowhere. One day you may wake up feeling like a different person than you did the day before. It’s hard to make it through the day, everything seems negative, you feel like a huge weight is on your shoulders, you feel uneasy, anxious, and hopeless – often for no obvious reason.
Most of the time people tend to go one of two ways when it comes to eating when they’re depressed: overeating junk food for comfort, or avoiding food altogether. While neither of these tactics will truly relieve depression, there are some foods out there that can fight the depressive feelings and help bring you back to a state of peace.
First of all, to decipher which foods can come to the rescue, we must know – what is depression, chemically speaking? Well, according to Psych Central, “monoamines” are low in the brain during depressive episodes. Monoamines are mood-related chemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.
So if you’re feeling depressed and you do, in fact, have an appetite, it would make sense to eat foods that can increase the above mentioned chemicals in your brain.
Here are a few foods that win the gold medal in the depression-fighting category:
Flaxseeds/Flaxseed oil - contains tryptophan and omega-3 fatty acids, which increases serotonin production. Put some ground up flaxseeds in your salad or oatmeal. You can also take flaxseed oil capsules.
Fish oils, salmon, tuna - high in omega-3s, both fish oil capsules and fish like salmon or tuna can increase your serotonin levels and lower anxiety levels. Sushi, anyone?Picture 4
Bananas - high in tryptophan for serotonin production. Eat ‘em up.
Raw Cacao - we all know that chocolate can be a mood-lifter, but the sugar crash that comes with conventional chocolate can have the opposite effect on your mood. Eating raw chocolate (dairy-free, sweetened with agave nectar instead of sugar) is a much better choice. Check your local health food store, or try my all-time favorite brand, Fine and Raw.
raw chocolate
Watermelon: high in vitamin B6, which helps manufacture serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Choose watermelon over your regular dessert, or drink a tall glass of 100% watermelon juice. Yum!
Protein-rich foods like beans, eggs, and tofu - contains tryosine, which increases norepinephrine and contributes to positive mood.
Sunflower seeds – high in folic acid, a building block of serotonin and norepinephrine.
Spinach - another one for folic acid, omega-3s, and B vitamins. Fix yourself a big spinach salad or substitute spinach for whatever lettuce you use in sandwiches.spinach
Brown rice - Vitamins B1, B3 and folic acid. Brown rice is also a low-glycemic food that relseases glucose into the bloodstream gradually. A smarter, mood-lifting alternative to refined, white carbs.
Sweet Potatoes - help tryptophan go to work producing serotonin in the body by raising insulin levels. Sweet potatoes are a great alternative to white potatoes because they have a lower glycemic index, which means they don’t cause a spike in blood sugar or the accompanying mood swings.
Quite the appetizing list! While depression is complicated and often mulit-faceted, these tasty additions to your diet may help to elevate the dark moods. Eat up and smile.

10 Diet and Lifestyle Tips To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one disease that every one of us gets scared perhaps partly because of the myth around it and partly because of the way that it is handled poorly by professional doctors. The mainstream cancer treatment or an alternate cannot boast cent percent success. On the contrary, it has been observed that there is always some risk attached to any any method of cancer treatment.
skin cancer prevention tips
Eating habits:
We are often ignorant of the entire food processing in our body that provides energy required for our routine activities during the day. What we generally know is that the intake through mouth is driven through Esophagus into stomach and once this is full, we declare that we are satisfied. It is said that it takes normally 2-3 hours for 50% of the contents to empty into the intestine and total emptying of the stomach takes 4-5 hours. Transit through the colon takes 30-40 hours.
Depending upon what we feed, they manifest themselves into healthy, medium healthy and unhealthy grades in the human body. The digestive system not only extracts beneficial ingredients of the food but also generates waste that ought to be disposed regularly through the other opening.
It is presumed that this happens to be one of the prime activities of the human body that determines the wellbeing of human health. Any imbalance in the process may lead to altered digestion and metabolism strengths.
Ayurveda strongly recommends
– to consume food only when a person is really hungry.
– not to avoid food when someone is totally hungry.
This ensures that
– the enzymes are produced and used up at the right times
– the nutritious food that is taken is completely used up by the body, without leaving out excess of byproducts / waste products in the gut, which may alter metabolism and immunity.
Modern lifestyle
The modern day busy lifestyle does not provide time for activities like walking/physical exercise and thereby many miss the vital input – Oxygen to the body.
How often do we consciously check our heartbeat or breathing which are an integral part of our well-being? They happen at the subconscious level.
Related: Improving lifestyle habits – a very important tool to prevent cancer
Stress, sedentary lifestyle habits:
Sitting for long hours also has bearing on our health. The busy office schedules, targets are directly linked to emotional issues. Strong emotional shocks like, death of loved one, loss of job, divorce or others could have serious influencing impact leading to cancer.
The diet
Change in eating plan would detoxify your body and you could be free of cancer. You may have to give up a few items and replace them with lots of organic fruits and vegetables.
Good amount of natural oxygen:
It is strongly believed that Oxygenation fights cancer cells which can thrive only in anaerobic condition. Healthy cells get more oxygen and make you vibrant. This is in fact a strong reason to include 30-45 minutes of compulsory walking in the morning, preferably ( Perhaps the best time to grab the vital oxygen is early hours of the day). You experience positive energy for the entire day. When this is combined with the next secret, you will have kept cancer at least 60% away from you.
Vitamin D seems to play a considerable role in preventing prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, colon cancer and schizophrenia. It is therefore necessary to check vitamin D levels once in a while.
Acidic environment of human body promotes cancer unlike the alkaline environment, which helps to fight cancer better.
Hormonal (Oestrogen), lack of sleep, Electromagnetic forces, Chemicals and pesticides, stress hormones, Low blood oxygen are also responsible for acid body.
Regular exercise not only helps increase oxygen but also hemoglobin level. Exercise reduces physical and mental stress and improves immunity.
Regular water intake maintains alkalinity of the body. Please ensure you drink clean water as additives sodium fluoride and chlorine are believed to cancer-causing agents. Mere filtration may not eliminate Trihalomethanes (THMs), fluoride and a host of other heavy metals, toxins and contaminates. Reverse osmosis filtration could give you a better confidence.
Related: Ayurvedic understanding of cancer
Herbs that could prevent cancer:
Moringa oleifera is a leguminous plant which has been traditionally used in India. It is highly beneficial to human health because of its medicinal and nutritional properties. The unknown fact about Moringa perhaps is that it not only retards tumour but, reduces tumour which means it is cancer preventive. Moringa leaves contain protein, vitamin C, potassium and Vitamin A. The rich Zeatin (member of Cytokinins) reduces cell division and growth and works as anti-aging agent.
Raw onion (Allium cepa) – Onions contain 25 active compounds that appear to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells alliin being the main constituent. Onion has been found to help combat heart disease, inhibit strokes, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and stimulate the immune system. The potassium salts and the flavonoids that are present perform an anti-inflammatory action. The essential oil is an expectorant, antiseptic, antifungal, anticoagulant, high-blood pressure, antithelmitic, balsamic and has analgesic properties. Onion uses, research, side effects
Tomato (solanum lycopersicum uses – Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids. alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. These carotenoids may have individual benefits, but also have synergy as a group (that is, they interact to provide health benefits). Tomatoes are good for your skin.
Tomatoes contain a high level of lycopene, Tomatoes help prevent several types of cancer, reduce your chances of developing prostate, colorectal and stomach cancer. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that works effectively to slow the growth of cancerous cells. Cooked tomatoes produce even more lycopene, so go ahead and cook up a batch of your mom’s famous tomato soup. Tomato provides essential antioxidants.
Tomatoes contain a great deal of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Tomatoes are good for your heart. Because of the Vitamin B and potassium in tomatoes, they are effective in reducing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.
The Vitamin A in tomatoes works perfectly to keep your hair shiny and strong. In addition, it also does wonders for your eyes, skin, bones and teeth. Tomatoes are good for your kidneys.
Adding tomatoes without seeds to your diet has been proven in some studies to reduce the risk of kidney stones. Tomatoes are good for your eyes. The Vitamin A found in tomatoes is fantastic for improving your vision disorder. Tomatoes are good for diabetics. Lower Blood Pressure .The tomatoes provide significant drop in blood pressure, combating stroke.
Vitamin C in tomato or Ascorbic Acid helps in reducing the risk of stroke, a kind of cardiovascular disease. Mood .Vitamin C present in the tomato plays a key role in the production of neurotransmitters, If vitamin c is less then. they can affect mood and are critical to the proper functioning of the brain.
Almonds ( Prunus amygdalus) – Reduce heart attack risk; lower bad cholesterol; protects artery walls from damage; help strong bones and teeth; lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals; help brain function; nourish nervous system; alkaline the body)
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) juice at least once a week is good as it is rich in antioxidants such as soluble polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanin. Can protect against the oxidative stress in the modern lifestyle and bacteria consequently cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Other promising dietary items in prevention of cancer are lemon and turmeric.
Related: 10 Tips to Reduce The Risk of Breast Cancer

10 Diet and Lifestyle Tips To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one disease that every one of us gets scared perhaps partly because of the myth around it and partly because of the way that it is handled poorly by professional doctors. The mainstream cancer treatment or an alternate cannot boast cent percent success. On the contrary, it has been observed that there is always some risk attached to any any method of cancer treatment.
skin cancer prevention tips
Eating habits:
We are often ignorant of the entire food processing in our body that provides energy required for our routine activities during the day. What we generally know is that the intake through mouth is driven through Esophagus into stomach and once this is full, we declare that we are satisfied. It is said that it takes normally 2-3 hours for 50% of the contents to empty into the intestine and total emptying of the stomach takes 4-5 hours. Transit through the colon takes 30-40 hours.
Depending upon what we feed, they manifest themselves into healthy, medium healthy and unhealthy grades in the human body. The digestive system not only extracts beneficial ingredients of the food but also generates waste that ought to be disposed regularly through the other opening.
It is presumed that this happens to be one of the prime activities of the human body that determines the wellbeing of human health. Any imbalance in the process may lead to altered digestion and metabolism strengths.
Ayurveda strongly recommends
– to consume food only when a person is really hungry.
– not to avoid food when someone is totally hungry.
This ensures that
– the enzymes are produced and used up at the right times
– the nutritious food that is taken is completely used up by the body, without leaving out excess of byproducts / waste products in the gut, which may alter metabolism and immunity.
Modern lifestyle
The modern day busy lifestyle does not provide time for activities like walking/physical exercise and thereby many miss the vital input – Oxygen to the body.
How often do we consciously check our heartbeat or breathing which are an integral part of our well-being? They happen at the subconscious level.
Related: Improving lifestyle habits – a very important tool to prevent cancer
Stress, sedentary lifestyle habits:
Sitting for long hours also has bearing on our health. The busy office schedules, targets are directly linked to emotional issues. Strong emotional shocks like, death of loved one, loss of job, divorce or others could have serious influencing impact leading to cancer.
The diet
Change in eating plan would detoxify your body and you could be free of cancer. You may have to give up a few items and replace them with lots of organic fruits and vegetables.
Good amount of natural oxygen:
It is strongly believed that Oxygenation fights cancer cells which can thrive only in anaerobic condition. Healthy cells get more oxygen and make you vibrant. This is in fact a strong reason to include 30-45 minutes of compulsory walking in the morning, preferably ( Perhaps the best time to grab the vital oxygen is early hours of the day). You experience positive energy for the entire day. When this is combined with the next secret, you will have kept cancer at least 60% away from you.
Vitamin D seems to play a considerable role in preventing prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, colon cancer and schizophrenia. It is therefore necessary to check vitamin D levels once in a while.
Acidic environment of human body promotes cancer unlike the alkaline environment, which helps to fight cancer better.
Hormonal (Oestrogen), lack of sleep, Electromagnetic forces, Chemicals and pesticides, stress hormones, Low blood oxygen are also responsible for acid body.
Regular exercise not only helps increase oxygen but also hemoglobin level. Exercise reduces physical and mental stress and improves immunity.
Regular water intake maintains alkalinity of the body. Please ensure you drink clean water as additives sodium fluoride and chlorine are believed to cancer-causing agents. Mere filtration may not eliminate Trihalomethanes (THMs), fluoride and a host of other heavy metals, toxins and contaminates. Reverse osmosis filtration could give you a better confidence.
Related: Ayurvedic understanding of cancer
Herbs that could prevent cancer:
Moringa oleifera is a leguminous plant which has been traditionally used in India. It is highly beneficial to human health because of its medicinal and nutritional properties. The unknown fact about Moringa perhaps is that it not only retards tumour but, reduces tumour which means it is cancer preventive. Moringa leaves contain protein, vitamin C, potassium and Vitamin A. The rich Zeatin (member of Cytokinins) reduces cell division and growth and works as anti-aging agent.
Raw onion (Allium cepa) – Onions contain 25 active compounds that appear to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells alliin being the main constituent. Onion has been found to help combat heart disease, inhibit strokes, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and stimulate the immune system. The potassium salts and the flavonoids that are present perform an anti-inflammatory action. The essential oil is an expectorant, antiseptic, antifungal, anticoagulant, high-blood pressure, antithelmitic, balsamic and has analgesic properties. Onion uses, research, side effects
Tomato (solanum lycopersicum uses – Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids. alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. These carotenoids may have individual benefits, but also have synergy as a group (that is, they interact to provide health benefits). Tomatoes are good for your skin.
Tomatoes contain a high level of lycopene, Tomatoes help prevent several types of cancer, reduce your chances of developing prostate, colorectal and stomach cancer. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that works effectively to slow the growth of cancerous cells. Cooked tomatoes produce even more lycopene, so go ahead and cook up a batch of your mom’s famous tomato soup. Tomato provides essential antioxidants.
Tomatoes contain a great deal of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Tomatoes are good for your heart. Because of the Vitamin B and potassium in tomatoes, they are effective in reducing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.
The Vitamin A in tomatoes works perfectly to keep your hair shiny and strong. In addition, it also does wonders for your eyes, skin, bones and teeth. Tomatoes are good for your kidneys.
Adding tomatoes without seeds to your diet has been proven in some studies to reduce the risk of kidney stones. Tomatoes are good for your eyes. The Vitamin A found in tomatoes is fantastic for improving your vision disorder. Tomatoes are good for diabetics. Lower Blood Pressure .The tomatoes provide significant drop in blood pressure, combating stroke.
Vitamin C in tomato or Ascorbic Acid helps in reducing the risk of stroke, a kind of cardiovascular disease. Mood .Vitamin C present in the tomato plays a key role in the production of neurotransmitters, If vitamin c is less then. they can affect mood and are critical to the proper functioning of the brain.
Almonds ( Prunus amygdalus) – Reduce heart attack risk; lower bad cholesterol; protects artery walls from damage; help strong bones and teeth; lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals; help brain function; nourish nervous system; alkaline the body)
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) juice at least once a week is good as it is rich in antioxidants such as soluble polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanin. Can protect against the oxidative stress in the modern lifestyle and bacteria consequently cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Other promising dietary items in prevention of cancer are lemon and turmeric.
Related: 10 Tips to Reduce The Risk of Breast Cancer

For  More Tips    

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