Nutrients You Need to Absorb Daily
Wether you're a vegetarian or meat eater, it's important to know to add certain nutritional values to your diet, or you may end up being malnurished! So, to keep your body and mind healthy, check that your daily intake covers them all!
Iodine is essential for your metabolism, as in converting material into energy, as well as the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is usually found in sea fruit and so many vegetarians suffer a lack. Vegetarian sources include cooking salt, table salt and enriched dairy products.
The body requires iron to make hemoglobin which carries the oxygen in the blood stream. Red meat and poultry are a great source of iron, but if you are looking for vegetarian alternatives, you can get your iron from dried fruit, legumes, seeds, vegetables and whole wheat grains and flax seeds. Take into account that when you take these with coffee, tea or cacao, their absorption rate goes down because these products contains mixtures that block the absorption of iron. This is the reason why vegetarians are advised to consume iron with sources rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, peppers, strawberries and guavas, which markedly improve its absorption.
omega 3 fish
Omega 3
DHA and EPA are two type of the omega 3 fatty acid, and they are important to the development of both the eyes and the brain, as well as keeping your heart healthy and ticking. Omega 3 is mainly found in fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, but can also be consumed from vegetarian sources such as flax seeds, walnuts, canola oil, flax oil, soy oil and soy products. Some types of energy bars also have omega 3 in them.
Every cell in our body contains protein, and we need it in order to fix cell damage, build tissues, grow hair, fingernails and bones. Protein is in almost every food we eat, and so there's a large variety of vegetarian sources: Soy, beans, bran, lentils, chickpeas, seeds, almonds and eggs to name a few.
Calcium, as you probably know, helps build bones and teeth (which are also bones) as well as helping the neurons in your body to transfer messages to the muscles. Fish are an excellent source of calcium, but if you're vegetarians, you can get this essential mineral from dairy products, enriched soy products, nuts, legumes and green vegetables, broccoli, okra and cabbage.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 helps produce red blood cells and DNA, and is required for the neurological functioning of the body. It is found naturally in meat, but is also added to foods like soy milk and energy bars, and can also be found in eggs and various cheeses like yellow cheese, mozzarella cheese, pate cheese, cottage and eggs.
vitamin D
Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and is important to bone health, as well as serving an important function in the nervous system, the muscle system and the immune system. The body makes vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun, but modern living as well as cloudy environments, don't always allow enough exposure. Vegetarian sources for vitamin D include: Milk and enriched soy milk, certain mushrooms, banana and avocado.
Zinc is extremely important if you want a functioning immune system and body cells. Although it can be found a-plenty in beef, you can also consume it from soy products, peanuts, hummus, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, wheat germ, oatmeal and a variety of legumes, if in smaller concentrations
9 Incredibly Healthy Food Combos
Knowing what we know about food today, we discover more often than not that the best foods are not stand-alone ingredients but the powerful combination of ingredients that work together and enhance each other's healthy influence on the body.
Not only are the creative meal options more varied this way, but you increase the absorption of important materials that may one day stave off the worst diseases, keep your heart and immune system operational, and lead to a better quality of life for you and your family.
So Without further a-do, here are 9 extremely healthy food combos you should be aware of:
Red Wine + Almonds
healthy food combos healthy food combos
Health Benefit: A great way to keep your heart healthy and happy!
Why It Works: Red wine contains an antioxidant with the name 'resveratrol'. The almonds contain large quantities of vitamin E, that together with the antioxidant help blood production and promote healthy blood vessels. the blood and improve blood vessel health.
Tip: Prefer organic wine, since the way they make the regular wine may leave some pesticide residues, if in small quantities. The same is also true for almonds by the way.
Tortilla + Veggies
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Health Benefit: Less bloating and gas equals a flatter, nicer stomach
Why It Works: If you suffer from bloating or gassiness, it doesn't get much better than combining vegetables with grains or grain-like seeds (millet, quinoa) while leaving out the meat.
Green Tea + Lemon
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Health Benefit: Not only fighting cancer but also promoting weight loss!

Why It Works: Lemons have high levels of vitamin C, which helps to maximize the body's ability to absorb catechins, the antioxidants found in green tea which help fight diseases and aging.
Tip: If you drink a lot of tea (which is a good idea), consider turning to organic loose-leaf tea brewed in a stainless steel infuser that can be reused (to reduce package waste).
Turmeric & Black Pepper
healthy food combos healthy food combos
Health Benefit: This is a match made in heaven! This spice combo annihilates inflammation, may ward off Alzheimer's disease and fights cancer, while also taking down your cholesterol levels and improving liver function. If you choose just one of these combos - choose this one.
Why It Works: Turmeric is a spice we always recommend for consumption. If you combine it with black pepper, which helps your body absorb about a thousand (yep, x1000) times more curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric (which can also be bought at nature shops in concentrated pill form) and make sure you really get those health benefits Turmeric promises. Without it, the amount of Curcumin not destroyed by your stomach is very low.
Pastured Pork + Sauerkraut
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Health Benefit: Boost your digestion system and keep your gastrointestinal tract wholesome with this Non-starchy and fermented vegetable + animal combo.
Why It Works: When you eat meat, the best thing you can do for your digestive system is to avoid starch, and so allowing your system to break down the protein from the meat. If you hate that uncomfortable bloating you sometimes get after eating, as well as gas, heartburn or just a stomach ache, you should check our fermented vegetables. The probiotics contained in these will boost your immune system as well as your digestive one.
Tip: Again, we'd recommend grass-fed pork if you can get it (most can't). It's free of any possible antibiotics or chemical preservatives, and has high levels of thiamine, a type of vitamin B that is crucial for a properly functioning nervous system.
Steak + Rosemary
healthy food comboshealthy food combos
Health Benefit: When meat is cooked above a temperature of 325 degrees Fahrenheit (162 Celsius), it neutralizes carcinogens.
Why It Works: Heterocyclic amines are materials that may contribute to the formation of cancer cells. Rosemary is rich in rosmarinic and carnosic acids. These fight heterocyclic amines and prevent them from forming on cooked meat. This combination helps alleviate many people's fear of grilled meat, and helps to increase the health of the grill-based meal.
Tip: Cut a small sprig of rosemary. After removing the main stem, chop, and add olive oil, salt, and lemon juice to create a healthy marinade. Grass-fed beef is a healthier choice with reduced fat intake, and avoids meat that has been contaminated by veterinary drugs.
Fish + Broccoli
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Health Benefit: Inhibiting cancer growth - the yummy way.
How It Works: The compounds found in many fish (salmon and mackerel for example) in rich quantities, when paired with Broccoli, a vegetable rich in sulforaphane, these compounds become up to 13 times stronger and more effective in slowing down the growth of new cancer cells, than when you eat the fish by themselves. solo.
Tip: Try to get wild-caught Alaskan salmon for the most natural and untampered product, that has the most chance to avoid parasites and contamination.
Eggs + Cheese
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Health Benefit: Better cognitive functioning, a clearer mind, alleviation of PMS symptoms and surprisingly - weight loss.
Why It Works: It is well known that one of the benefits of eating egg yolks is that they are rich in Vitamin D, which will boost the rate by which your body absorbs the nutrients in cheese, such as the all-important calcium. Good calcium levels help neurotransmitters to function better (cognitive functioning) and help to stabilize the body's hormone levels, which help alleviate PMS symptoms and battle weight gain.
Beet Greens + Chickpeas
healthy food combos healthy food combos
Health Benefit: Natural mood boost from a much-needed mineral.
How It Works: Magnesium is essential for low anxiety and happiness, but 70 percent of Americans don't get enough. Beet greens are loaded with the calming mineral, and the B6 in chickpeas maximizes magnesium absorption in the body.
Tip: Look for local, organic beet greens this spring at your farmer's market, and soak and cook dried, organic chickpeas to avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals that can be found in canned foods.

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