5 Natural Blood Cleansers

5 Natural Blood Cleansers

What if you could brush your circulatory system just you brush your teeth, and clear away any dangerous buildups that may be obstructing a healthy blood flow? Well, wonder no more, because you can. Certain foods have natural and effective “unblockers”, and even if you’re not suffering from such blockages, adding them to your daily menu will help reduce the risk of developing clogged blood vessels in the future, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Remember, prevention is so much better than treatment.

While everyone is terrified of elevated levels of LDL (the “bad cholesterol”), most people don’t know that the actual levels of cholesterol are unimportant – it’s how much of it is oxidized that matters. Even if your cholesterol levels are balanced, you can still be at high risk of atherosclerosis (a disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of fatty material on their inner walls) if the cholesterol is oxidized.

For years, researchers have been looking for a way to prevent the oxydization of cholesterol, only to find that the most effective way is to add certain foods to your diet. Many studies found that certain fruits and vegetables work wonders for unblocking blood vessels, and prevent future obstructions too.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin E, which is essential in preventing blood clots. A recent Japanese study required participants with high cholesterol levels to drink 1½ cups of juice that contained broccoli each day. Within six weeks, there was a noticeable decrease in LDL levels in their blood.

Broccoli also contains lute in, which is effective in preventing cataracts and premature aging of the soft tissues in our eyes.

What makes our eyes cry makes our body happy. The sulfuric compounds in onion, which cause our tear ducts to act more tear rivers, are also effective blood thinners, and can elevate the levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Furthermore, onions contain quercetin – an antioxidant that is a particularly effective anti-inflammatory. Since the cause of atherosclerosis is plaque buildup, which is an inflammatory process, quercetin plays a vital role in its prevention. Eating onions reduces blood flow, which reduces the strain on your blood vessels, keeping them more elastic.

Onions are also effective in lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. However, it’s important to remember that these benefits are only relevant for raw onions, as cooking destroys many of the healthy nutrients in it.

Tomatoes are treasure troves of nutrients that protect our blood vessels and neutralize free radicals. They are filled with lycopene, an antioxidant that helps lower oxidized LDL levels, thus reducing the risk of developing blockages. If that wasn’t enough, tomatoes also contain a natural NSAID- substance that helps in thinning out the blood.

The lycopene is not destroyed when cooked, so eating any tomato product is healthy, and particularly in men, as it can prevent prostate cancer.

The powerful antioxidants in pomegranates are the reason this fruit is considered to be the body’s “plumber”. These antioxidants (called anthocyanins) are very powerful – even more than those found in red wine. Drinking just ½ a cup of pomegranate juice a day helps in preventing the buildup of contaminants in blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Pomegranates can be kept in the fridge for up to six months, though the longer you wait – the lower the levels of antioxidants drop. To learn more about pomegranate juice, click here.

Beets contain a unique compound called betaine. This compound neutralizes homocysteine in your blood vessels, which, in high levels can cause myocardial infarction (a heart attack). Another nutrient beets contain is folic acid, which also aids in neutralizing homocysteine. If that's not enough, they also contain potassium and magnesium, substances that can lower blood pressure.

Russian researchers discovered that beet juice changes the activity of enzymes in the liver, which boosts the cells' natural autoxidation processes. They are also great for diabetics, thanks to their high concentration of nutritional fibers.

Added bonus: Beets provide an effective relief from constipation without causing bloating or gas.
Other Foods that are Beneficial to Blood Vessels

Oranges and cherries, which contain bio flavonoids.
Beeryeast, which contain a lot of vitamins.

Watermelon, which, the tomato, is rich in lycopene.

Strawberries, which are rich in antioxidants and niacin.


Heart problem affects approximately 25 percent of the adult population around the world and arteriosclerosis is one of them. It is a common condition which acts as a precursor of many other more serious and sometimes fatal diseases such as kidney failures, heart diseases and stroke. People generally prefer medical approach to treat this condition but Natural Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis is better option than drugs. Holistic approach tends to lower the symptoms of this condition in a natural way. So, you can also try Ayurvedic Remedies for Arteriosclerosis to get rid of it effectively.

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