pregnant women care ,what not to say to a pregnant women

Are you trying to conceive? Do you eat healthy?

Conception is a commitment for which you need to prepare both mentally and physically. You have to be in a good shape with a sound mind. The foods that you eat during those days have a great impact on your body that is preparing for motherhood. Yes, I mean it. There are foods you should avoid during your TTC days.

1. Stop taking too many sweets. Trans fats and sugars are not good at any time. These have no nutrition but fats. You don't want to end up with gestational diabetes for sure! 

2. Soya in excess can harm the guy! Though soya cannot cause inertility to a healthy male it is wise to limit soya products if he has a slight problem in the area. 

3. Eating raw eggs or fish (Japanese dishes like Sushi) could expose you to bacteria and infections. So do not take raw animal foods and unpasteurised cheese. Cook them well! 

4. Avoid high mercury content in your diet. King mackerel and certain types of fish are harmful for a developing fetus' nevous system. If you are a fish lover, your better choices are trout, salmon or shrimp.

5. Avoid alcoholic beverages. These drinks harm you even before you know that you are pregnant. Alcohol may even interfere  with a woman's ability to get pregnant.

6. Caffeine is yet another factor you should not ignore. There are studies that say that caffeine is linked to risk of miscarriage and infertility in women. So go easy on caffeinated drinks if you are

trying to get pregnant. Other than tea and coffee, soda, drinks, chocolate, and coffee ice cream can also contain caffeine. Remember that some allergy medications and the like also contain caffeine. 

7. Staying away from cigarette smoke is also a healthy thing to do.

8. Excess of Vitamins A, C, or D should be avoided in your diet.  While Vitamin E, C, Folic Acid and Zinc are key nutrients for a healthy sperm a woman need folic acid everyday to keep birth

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